Friday, January 14, 2011


Today I had to listen to people who I don't respect. I've let one incident (my YL leader being unjustly fired) shape how I view a few people in the mission. It was hard for me to listen to them, all I wanted to do was get up and leave. I really thought that I was past this but it turns out that I have some deep seeded issues that need to be worked out. On top of that the Regional Director who didn't treat me well during the hiring process in KC is here too. I think the Lord is telling me to forgive these people but my stubbornness isn't letting that happen.

I want them to acknowledge my pain and admit their mistakes but I know that isn't going to happen. I feel like such a whiny baby thinking and feeling that but at this point, I can't help it.

I'm going to work on my attitude toward them in the next few days. My life has no room for bitterness and I hate who I am when I allow it to consume my otherwise joyful heart.

Sorry for being a bit of a downer today, at least the food was great!


Breakfast: Breakfast Burritos, Yogurt with Granola
Lunch: Burger, Salad Bar, Cookie Bar
Dinner: Sesame Chicken, Chinese Pork, Egg Rolls, Fried Rice, Asian Salad, Fortune Cookies


  1. Sorry to hear about that. I too, have some new found bitterness in my life, but deeply desire peace within myself and peace towards those people. Ill be praying for you-- I understand how debilitating it can be.

    On another note: you are at new staff training with kennon from lexington! have you seen him yet??

  2. greg-you make me laugh! not so much this post but the ten previous i just read. glad you are enjoying new staff and give ken k a hug from us :)
