I love this Bible study and its only the second week I've been there. It feels like high school in all the best ways but is so drastically different in even better ways. My YL leader, Sean, leads it and it is a group mostly comprised of friends from high school, instant community! The high school parallels stop there. For the most part all of us went to different colleges and have been apart for the last 5 or so years. In this time we have sought to follow Christ independently from one another and have developed a comfort in our faith that allows us to be truly open, vulnerable and honest. This is a level of friendship that few of us had in high school. It. Is. Awesome.
Tonight we talked about being a dumb sheep. Say it out loud, it sounds like I am telling you to be a dumb shit which was obviously the joke of the evening. Sean talked about how we have complicated Christianity with formulas (what kind of Church you go to, how you pray, how you worship, what Authors you're reading, etc.) and have lost sight of how beautifully simple it is to follow Christ.
We first read John 10:1-21. Jesus is talking about the sheep and their shepherd. A lot of times I read this and try to be the shepherd, taking other peoples burdens upon me and thinking I am called to be a shepherd. Jesus says "I am the good shepherd" twice. How did I read this and think I was anything in this story besides a dumb sheep.
We then talked about the characteristics of sheep. They are mostly dumb. They rely on the shepherd for everything. Food, water, protection, everything. Sheep will cast themselves or fall onto their backs and it is very difficult for them to get back up, sometimes it is impossible; they need a shepherd, someone who will take care of their every need and discipline them when they wander. But for how dumb sheep are, they can recognize voices. They know their shepherd's voice and will only respond to him/her.
Reading Psalm 23 concluded our time. This psalm came alive when I read it picturing myself as a dumb sheep. David speaks with a trust in the Lord that I want. Knowing that the Lord will make me rest, lead me to green pastures and will take me on a crazy journey but will always restore my soul.
Following Jesus is simple. Be a dumb sheep. One who relies on Jesus for everything. Know His voice and block out all others. But don't be fooled, simple does not mean easy.
I think I am going to get some sort of sheep (preferably stuffed) as a reminder that I might end up having a leadership position but I am called to be a dumb sheep and Jesus is my shepherd.
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