Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Change of Pace

For the last few months I have been willing myself to be OK with the reality that I was not going on Young Life staff this fall. I wrote a few days ago about the progression of emotions ending with happy. I am finally happy where I am. And then this morning I get a phone call from a number I didn't recognize and since it was before noon, I was still sleeping. I silenced the phone call figuring that if it was important enough the caller would leave a message.

Sure enough, when I woke up, there was a voice mail waiting for me. The voice was that of Vicki. I have not met this woman but I knew she had to be great just by how loving and graceful her voice was. With that voice she told me that she was on committee with Parker YL and that they were interested in interviewing me for the Area Director position.

I didn't know how to react. Like I said, I had been forcing myself to be content with where I am and then this sweet woman dropped this huge ass bomb on me.

I called her back and set up a phone interview for later that evening, 6:30 to be exact. I called a few close friends and told them the news. I was starting to get excited.

The interview went how I expected it to go. Vicki asked me about myself, why I thought I was called for YL staff, and other self examining questions. When her questions ended mine began. Thanks to the help of Wendy, I had 2 pages of questions about the area, committee, finances, and other miscellaneous stuff. She had the answers to most of them and a few might have caught her off guard but she answered openly and honestly.

From the conversation it sounded like they are currently interviewing 4 or 5 people half were like me. Young and more of a staff associate. The others were older and would fit more of the Area Director role. They plan to make a decision on Thursday narrowing the field down to 2 for in person interviews.

Let the praying begin.

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